
Confession #557

You want to know why I roll my eyes every evening when you say you've got to go 'potty', as you put it? First off, I'm not two years old…you can tell me you're going to take a dump, a crap, or 'going to the men's room'. Whatever. Secondly, you take longer to shit than any man I've ever known. Yes, I know you have a book in there that you're reading…but honestly, it is THAT interesting that you'll spend on hour pushing? I know women who have given birth to babies in less time it takes you to take a dump. I get annoyed because while you're in there reading and crapping, I'm trying to calm our child down-our child, who has not seen you all day and wants nothing more than to play with her father…except that he can't get off the shitter. Lastly, you have a problem…it's called Irritable Bowel. You get the urge to run and take a dump NO MATTER WHAT you eat. I could feel you dry bread and water, and you'd be jumping up and running into the bathroom…what is up with that? Go see a damn doctor!


I love True Wife Confessions!

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  1. Isn't that site hillarious!!! This is one is probably the best I've seen.

    You gotta wonder how many of those marriages last.

  2. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!
    I love that site too

  3. LOL What a great site!!!

  4. HAHA!!! Aint' that the damn truth!

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